Cornwall Hospitality Ltd.
  • By admin
  • / 29, January 2024

Roasting small batches of coffee can be a rewarding and personalised way to enjoy freshly roasted beans. Here’s a basic guide to help you roast small batches at home using a simple method like a dedicated coffee roaster:

Equipment Needed:

  • Coffee Beans: Choose high-quality, green coffee beans.
  • Roaster: Consider using  a home coffee roaster
  • Colander or Cooling Tray: To cool the beans quickly after roasting.
  • Measuring Scale: To weigh the green coffee beans accurately.
  • Timer: To keep track of the roasting time.
  • Ventilation: Ensure good ventilation to handle smoke produced during the roasting process.
unroasted coffee beans


1. Measure Your Beans:

  • Measure the green coffee beans based on the capacity of your roaster. Small batches are typically around 250 grams.

2. Preheat the Roaster:

  • Preheat your roaster to the recommended temperature. This varies depending on the roaster you’re using, so refer to the manufacturer’s guidelines.

3. Add Beans:

  • Add the measured green coffee beans to the preheated roaster. Make sure to use the recommended capacity to ensure even roasting.

4. Roasting:

  • Monitor the colour and aroma of the beans. The roasting process involves several stages: drying, first crack, and optional second crack.
  • Drying Phase: The beans will initially release moisture. This phase takes a few minutes.
  • First Crack: This is when the beans start to crack and release oils. The longer you roast beyond the first crack, the darker and oilier the beans become.
  • Optional Second Crack: If you prefer a darker roast, continue roasting until the second crack. However, be cautious not to burn the beans.

5. Cooling:

  • Transfer the roasted beans to a colander or cooling tray immediately to stop the roasting process.

6. Resting:

  • Allow the beans to rest for at least 12-24 hours after roasting. This allows them to degas and develop their full flavour.

7. Storage:

  • Store your roasted coffee beans in an airtight container in a cool, dark place. Use the beans within 1-2 weeks for the freshest flavour.


  • Experiment with different bean types and roast levels to find your preferred flavour profile.
  • Keep in mind that roasting produces smoke, so ensure good ventilation or roast outdoors if possible.
  • Take notes during the process to adjust the roast profile based on your preferences.

Remember that roasting coffee is both a science and an art, and it may take some practice to achieve the perfect roast for your taste.

The 2 main types of coffee beans are Arabica and Robusta. 

The Gene Café small batch coffee roaster and green coffee beans along with with a good selection of teas, coffees and beverage equipment are available from Pennine Teas and Coffees.  

More details can be found on the above link.